How Not to Cope With Personal Insult
The Huffington Post: Humans have always had to cope with threats, both big and small. The physical and life-threatening threats that our ancestors faced have largely been replaced by social threats, but they are nonetheless
OppNet Request for Applications for Three-year Research Projects: Basic Research on Decision Making(R01)
OppNet, NIH’s Basic Behavioral and Social Science Opportunity Network, released a new RFA for three-year research projects: Basic research on decision making: Cognitive, affective, and developmental perspectives (R01). Basic research on decision making: Cognitive, affective
Happiness, Philosophy and Science
The New York Times: Philosophy was the origin of most scientific disciplines. Aristotle was in some sense an astronomer, a physicist, a biologist, a psychologist and a political scientist. As various philosophical subdiscplines found ways
You Can Spot a Future Bully at Age 1, Research Shows
Huffington Post: Infants don’t really have what it takes to be bullies. They simply lack the physicality — the strength and coordination and mobility — to be aggressive. But are some of these babies already
The Bully in the Baby?
While only a minority of toddlers are habitual bullies, this aggressive tendency appears to emerge right along with the motor skills that make it possible.
Book explains why people do poorly under pressure; video captures bicycle stunts
The Washington Post: When the going gets tough, sometimes the tough make embarrassing last-minute mistakes. In her book, newly available in paperback, psychologist Sian Beilock examines the mental forces that drive golfers to miss easy