Selbstmitleid lindert Trennungsschmerz
FOCUS: Über eine Scheidung freut sich niemand. Zu der Traurigkeit über die zerbrochene Ehe kommen häufig noch belastende Diskussionen hinzu – wer muss wem wie viel zahlen, wer bekommt das Haus, wie oft hütet wer
Advice To Divorcees: Go Easy On Yourself
Divorce is tough, for just about everyone. But some people move through a breakup without overwhelming distress, even if they’re sad or worried about money, while others get stuck in the bad feelings and can’t
How Not to Cope With Personal Insult
The Huffington Post: Humans have always had to cope with threats, both big and small. The physical and life-threatening threats that our ancestors faced have largely been replaced by social threats, but they are nonetheless
OppNet Request for Applications for Three-year Research Projects: Basic Research on Decision Making(R01)
OppNet, NIH’s Basic Behavioral and Social Science Opportunity Network, released a new RFA for three-year research projects: Basic research on decision making: Cognitive, affective, and developmental perspectives (R01). Basic research on decision making: Cognitive, affective
Happiness, Philosophy and Science
The New York Times: Philosophy was the origin of most scientific disciplines. Aristotle was in some sense an astronomer, a physicist, a biologist, a psychologist and a political scientist. As various philosophical subdiscplines found ways
You Can Spot a Future Bully at Age 1, Research Shows
Huffington Post: Infants don’t really have what it takes to be bullies. They simply lack the physicality — the strength and coordination and mobility — to be aggressive. But are some of these babies already