Why you really can wash the man out of your hair
Daily Mail: The song was spot on – it is possible to wash that man right out of your hair. A study shows washing has powerful psychological effects, ‘cleansing’ us of negative feelings. In the
Reading faces an imperfect science
The Vancouver Sun: Millions of dollars may be being misspent on threat-detection methods that rely on facial expression recognition, according to a report this month by a noted Canadian researcher. In the October issue of
The Upside to Embarrassment
National Geographic: If you’re the sort of person who turns red at the mere thought of committing a social faux pas, scientists have some reassuring news for you. A recent study by psychologists at the
Is Serena Williams angry or ecstatic? Context is everything in reading facial emotion, say psychologists
The Daily Mail: With her mouth is wide open, teeth bared and eyes pressed tensely shut, tennis star Serena Williams looks a picture of pure anger in this close-up photograph. Has she just lost the
Cinco consejos para envejecer con gracia
CNN Mexico: Olvida esa perspectiva que nos ha enseñado la vida moderna sobre que la vejez es aburrida. Tendrás mayor tiempo libre y ningún otro miembro de tu familia dependerá económicamente de ti. Aprovecha ese
Context helps interpret facial emotions accurately
MSN India: A close up shows Serena Williams’ eyes tensely shut; her mouth wide open, teeth bared and her face livid. Now zoom out: The tennis star is on the court, racquet in hand, fist