Psychological Science Inspires New Merit Badge
Why earn a merit badge for nutrition when you could earn a badge for psychological science? For the first time in over 25 years, Girl Scout badges are getting overhauled. Scouts can still earn traditional
Auch Mimik braucht Kontext
ORF Austria: Mit einem anderen Aspekt der zwischenmenschlichen Interaktion hat sich Lisa Feldman Barrett in einer aktuellen Metastudie beschäftigt, nämlich mit der Interpretation menschlicher Gesichtsausdrücke. Hunderte Studien zum Thema hat die Forscherin gesichtet und kommt
Worried? Get Your Scrub On
Global Handwashing Day (October 15, 2011) may be on to something! If you’re feeling guilty or doubtful, simply washing your hands or taking a shower may make you feel better. In a literature review published
World Series Psychology
The Red Sox won’t be participating in this year’s World Series, but it’s safe to say that the Red Sox-Yankees rivalry is here to stay. That makes those teams’ fans an obvious choice for studying
Washing the Body ‘Cleanses’ the Mind
U.S. News & World Report: There may be some truth to the expression “cleanliness is next to godliness” after all, finds a new review of previously published studies. University of Michigan researchers found that showering
Envy May Bear Fruit, but It Also Has an Aftertaste
The New York Times: Why envy? It seems to be the most useless of the deadly sins: excruciating to experience, shameful to admit, bereft of immediate pleasure or long-term benefits. To an evolutionary psychologist, there’s