Verstehen braucht mehr als Worte
ORF Austria: Zwei aktuelle Studien betonen die wichtige Rolle des körperlichen Kontextes, beim Begreifen von Inhalten sowie bei der Wahrnehmung von Gesichtsausdrücken. Breites Ausdrucksrepertoire Sich mitteilen und einander zu verstehen, ist das Kernziel jeglicher zwischenmenschlichen
Elizabeth Hall’s 1974 Interview with Niko Tinbergen
This is an excellent interview. In a relatively short space, Elizabeth Hall succeeded in capturing much of Niko Tinbergen’s oeuvre and personality. It is notable that the interview occurred at a propitious time — shortly
From the Lab to The Courtroom
The law deals fundamentally with human behavior. It deals with choices people make — to do right or wrong, to lie or tell the truth. It deals with perceptions and memories — what color shirt
Mindfulness is the best antidote to stress
Zee News: Washington: The best antidote to stress is mindfulness, existing in the here and now, not in the past or future, suggest meditation gurus. Researchers have now drawn a framework of four key components
Training the Emotional Brain (APSSC Award Winner)
In case you missed it, the cameras were rolling at the APS 23rd Annual Convention in Washington, DC. WatchSusanne Schweizerfrom Medical Research Council, United Kingdom present her research on “Training the Emotional Brain: Transferable Effects
Don’t Worry, Be Happy – Understanding Mindfulness Meditation
In times of stress, we’re often encouraged to pause for a moment and simply be in the ‘now.’ This kind of mindfulness, an essential part of Buddhist and Indian Yoga traditions, has entered the mainstream