The Brain Acts Fast To Reappraise Angry Faces
If you tell yourself that someone who’s being mean is just having a bad day—it’s not about you—you may actually be able to stave off bad feelings, according to a new study which will be
The seven healthy sins: Sometimes the bad can also do good
Vancouver Sun: Everything in moderation. I think of those three words as my mother’s superhero buzzphrase. Not quite as catchy as Bart Simpson’s “Don’t have a cow, man,” or Captain Marvel’s “Shazam!” but possibly more
Understanding Mindfulness Meditation
MSN News: 現在人工作壓力大,需要更多的紓壓管道,於是有越來越多人開始學習冥想、靜坐等古老的方法。一項發表在《心理科學》(Psychological Science)期刊的研究發現,透過冥想或是靜坐等方式,可以對我們的身體有相當大的助益,其中最重要的就是可以改變免疫系統,降低血壓,並且增強認知 功能。(圖片翻攝自Daily Mail網站) 在東方的宗教或是靈性修練當中,靜坐或是冥想 都是不可或缺的一環,而且逐漸在世界各地蔚為風潮,被很多人用來紓解龐大的生活壓力。哈佛大學跟久斯塔斯李比 希大學(Justus Liebig Univeristy)的研究人員發現,冥想除了可以幫助提升免疫系統外,還可以讓心理健康,證明冥想不是一個空泛的方法,而是一個有效的技巧。 主導這項研究的布麗塔(Britta Hazel)博士表示,之 Read the whole story: MSN News
Meaningful Meals
As you prepare a meal to share with family and friends, learn what not to feed your guests and why comfort food make us feel so much better when we’re down.
Verstehen braucht mehr als Worte
ORF Austria: Zwei aktuelle Studien betonen die wichtige Rolle des körperlichen Kontextes, beim Begreifen von Inhalten sowie bei der Wahrnehmung von Gesichtsausdrücken. Breites Ausdrucksrepertoire Sich mitteilen und einander zu verstehen, ist das Kernziel jeglicher zwischenmenschlichen
Elizabeth Hall’s 1974 Interview with Niko Tinbergen
This is an excellent interview. In a relatively short space, Elizabeth Hall succeeded in capturing much of Niko Tinbergen’s oeuvre and personality. It is notable that the interview occurred at a propitious time — shortly