Markets may play jilted lover in euro zone drama
Reuters: The euro zone debt crisis may be as much about the heart as it is about the head — like a jilted lover, markets are just finding it hard to trust again. Behavioural economists
Lauri Nummenmaa
Aalto University, Finland http://users.utu.fi/latanu What does your research focus on? I study the brain basis of emotions and social cognition. Using the multimodal brain-imaging approach, I aim to understand the neural circuitry that enables us
Catherine J. Norris
Dartmouth College http://www.dartmouth.edu/~psych/people/faculty/norris.html http://norris.socialpsychology.org/ What does your research focus on? I’m interested in how individuals differ in their responses to emotional stimuli, how these emotional responses are affected by social factors, and the consequences of
June Gruber
Yale University, USA http://www.yalepeplab.com/junegruber What does your research focus on? In what ways can feeling good actually be bad for us? There is a fair amount of research on associated difficulties of negative emotions
Joan Chiao
Northwestern University, USA http://culturalneuro.psych.northwestern.edu/Lab_Website/Welcome.html What does your research focus on? I conduct research in social affective and cultural neuroscience. Currently, my research adopts a ‘cultural neuroscience’ framework to examine how cultural and genetic factors give
Greg Hajcak
Stony Brook University, The State University of New York www.psychology.stonybrook.edu/ghajcak-/ What does your research focus on? My laboratory focuses on cognitive and affective science and their intersection with psychopathology (anxiety, depression, and psychosis). We