June Gruber
Yale University, USA http://www.yalepeplab.com/junegruber What does your research focus on? In what ways can feeling good actually be bad for us? There is a fair amount of research on associated difficulties of negative emotions
Joan Chiao
Northwestern University, USA http://culturalneuro.psych.northwestern.edu/Lab_Website/Welcome.html What does your research focus on? I conduct research in social affective and cultural neuroscience. Currently, my research adopts a ‘cultural neuroscience’ framework to examine how cultural and genetic factors give
Greg Hajcak
Stony Brook University, The State University of New York www.psychology.stonybrook.edu/ghajcak-/ What does your research focus on? My laboratory focuses on cognitive and affective science and their intersection with psychopathology (anxiety, depression, and psychosis). We
Eddie Tong
National University of Singapore, Singapore http://ap3.fas.nus.edu.sg/fass/psytmwe/ What does your research focus on? I am interested in a wide range of topics, but my research centers on appraisal theories of emotion. I am also interested
E. David Klonsky
University of British Columbia www.PEBL.org What does your research focus on? Over the past several years, my research has focused on understanding and assessing motivations for non-suicidal self-injury and attempted suicide, as well as the
Corinna E. Löckenhoff
Cornell University http://www.human.cornell.edu/hd/healthyaging What does your research focus on? My research examines age differences in personality and emotions and explores their influence on health-related decisions and outcomes. A central goal is to understand how