Men And Women’s Differences Extend To Personality, Study Claims
The Huffington Post: Men and women are more alike than different — that’s been the consensus view for many years among the researchers who study personality differences between the sexes. But a new study claims
Men, women really do have big personality differences
Today: If men and women at times seem to be from different planets, it may be because there are large differences in their personalities, a new study suggests. The results show that about 18 percent
Emotional Expression: The Brain and the Face
The Facial Emotion Expression Lab (FEELab) at the University Fernando Pessoa Health Sciences School on behalf of his Head, Professor Freitas-Magalhaes is in the process of preparing the edited volume entitled “Emotional Expression: The Brain
Why Are Older People Happier?
Older people tend to be happier. But why? Some psychologists believe that cognitive processes are responsible—in particular, focusing on and remembering positive events and leaving behind negative ones; those processes, they think, help older people
Peter Kuppens
University of Leuven, Belgium http://ppw.kuleuven.be/okp/people/Peter_Kuppens/byYearType/ What does your research focus on? I study emotions, specifically I’ve been trying to make sense of the patterns with which our emotions change across time, and what we can
David A. Sbarra
University of Arizona, USA http://research.sbs.arizona.edu/~sbarra/ What does your research focus on? My research is about how people recover from social separations and cope with loss experiences. I study divorce and romantic breakups as models for