David A. Sbarra
University of Arizona, USA http://research.sbs.arizona.edu/~sbarra/ What does your research focus on? My research is about how people recover from social separations and cope with loss experiences. I study divorce and romantic breakups as models for
Thomas F. Denson
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia What does your research focus on? I am a social psychologist interested in the causes and consequences of anger and aggression. The work in my laboratory takes a
Susanne Scheibe
University of Groningen, The Netherlands www.rug.nl/staff/s.scheibe What does your research focus on? I study how emotional experience and emotion regulation change as people age, and how such changes affect important realms of life, such as
Love According to Harry Harlow
Digging into the history of psychological science, the Observer has retrieved classic interviews with prominent psychological scientists for an ongoing series Psychology (Yesterday and) Today. Each interview is introduced by a contemporary psychological scientist, and
Memories of the Future
I remember my retirement like it was yesterday. As I recall it, I am still working, though not as hard as I do now. My wife and I still live in the city, where we
Andrew Livingstone
University of Stirling, UK http://www.psychology.stir.ac.uk/staff/staff-profiles/academic-staff/andrew-livingstone What does your research focus on? Broadly, I’m interested in social identity, group processes, and intergroup relations. I’ve also developed a particular interest in the role of emotion in