Dating in the Digital Age
The report card is in, and the online dating industry won’t be putting this one on the fridge. A new scientific report concludes that although online dating offers users some very real benefits, it falls
The Science Behind the Serenity Prayer
The Huffington Post: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” These are the first lines
Science on Love (and Hate, Too) at the APS Convention
Although Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, psychological scientists study love all year round — and it’s not always pretty. In this video, Douglas T. Kenrick discusses his book Sex, Murder, and the Meaning
Oxytocin’s (not so) Better Half
Feeling all warm and fuzzy? Chalk it up to oxytocin, the touchy-feely hormone that allows us to trust, bond, and even fall in love. Despite nicknames such as “the moral molecule,” “love potion,” and “liquid
Why Morning Routines Are Creativity Killers
TIME: Brrriiinnng. The alarm clock buzzes in another hectic weekday morning. You leap out of bed, rush into the shower, into your clothes and out the door with barely a moment to think. A stressful
Stay awake chaps! Pillow talk really does matter to the ladies
Daily Mail: It is easy to dismiss as just sweet nothings, but the key to relationship happiness may be in your pillow talk. Scientists have found that women whose partners finish off a night of