Two Flavors of Relief
Whether you just miss getting struck by a car or click the Send button for the final revision of a journal article, the feeling you have is the same — it’s relief. Yet even though
Imagining the Future Invokes Your Memory
Scientific American: I remember my retirement like it was yesterday. As I recall, I am still working, though not as hard as I did when I was younger. My wife and I still live in
Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?
The Atlantic: Despite its immense popularity, or more likely because of it, Facebook has, from the beginning, been under something of a cloud of suspicion. The depiction of Mark Zuckerberg, in The Social Network, as
Why Clingy People Feel Colder
TIME: An icy stare may do more than just chill your heart metaphorically — it can literally change the way you perceive ambient temperature, making a room feel several degrees colder. This cooling effect is
Unhappiness Is in the Eye of the Beholder
Science: A smile and a frown mean the same thing everywhere—or so say many anthropologists and evolutionary psychologists, who for more than a century have argued that all humans express basic emotions the same way.
Essere materialisti rende depressi
La Stampa: La domanda è sempre la solita: i soldi fanno la felicità? E la risposta non sempre è la solita, tanto che, alla fine, non si è mai capito per davvero. Ma se i