Why We Make Dumb Choices
Yahoo Health: Decisions, decisions. From the time you wake up (should I hit the snooze?) until you go to bed (should I eat that midnight snack?), you’re making decisions all day long—and some of them
Do Talkative Women Leaders Have Less Power Than Talkative Men?
Forbes: Victoria Brescoll, a professor of organizational behavior at the Yale School of Management, probes the impact of stereotypes on people’s status inside organizations. She’s especially interested in the way women and men get treated
Nostalgia warms the body as well as the soul
MinnPost: Nostalgia received a bad rap for centuries. It was long equated with homesickness, and thus associated with symptoms of grief and depression. In fact, the term nostalgia was coined by a Swiss physician, Johaness
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about new research published in Psychological Science. Is It Light or Dark? Recalling Moral Behavior Changes Perception of Brightness Pronobesh Banerjee, Promothesh Chatterjee, and Jayati Sinha Can the recollection of past ethical and unethical
Imagining the Future Invokes Your Memory
Scientific American: I remember my retirement like it was yesterday. As I recall, I am still working, though not as hard as I did when I was younger. My wife and I still live in
Myopic Misery: The Financial Cost of Sadness
Huffington Post: Nobody likes to feel bad. Sadness saps our energy and motivation. Melancholy wrecks our health and invites disease. Misery leaves us — well, miserable. Yet many experts believe that these negative emotions have