How Shocking Will Others Find Lady Gaga?
In case you missed it, the cameras were rolling at the 24th APS Annual Convention in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Troy Campbell from Duke University presents his research “How Shocking Will Others Find Lady Gaga? Desensitization
Persuasion Is Local
The Huffington Post: I do my best to avoid advertising. I don’t have cable TV. I listen to public radio. But I can’t avoid it completely. I was reminded of that recently when I went
Tall, dark and stable
The Economist: CLEARLY, a person’s decisions are determined by circumstances. Just how closely they are determined, however, has only recently become apparent. Experiments conducted over the past few years have revealed that giving someone an
Why Women Say ‘I’m Sorry’ More Than Men
Business Insider: Women are more easily offended than men. In turn, they perceive more of their own behavior as improper, requiring an apology: Despite wide acceptance of the stereotype that women apologize more readily than
Matig alcoholgebruik stimulans voor het groepsgevoel
Express Belgium: Een matig gebruik van alcohol in een sociale omgeving kan een stimulans betekenen voor positieve emoties en groepsvorming en bovendien negatieve emoties helpen afzwakken. Dat is de conclusie van een onderzoek van wetenschappers
Is Feeling Bad a Luxury Problem?
Huffington Post: Health experts call these “first-world problems,” meaning the accumulated stresses of daily life and the negative emotions they arouse. There’s little doubt that worry and anger and sadness are linked to illness and