Quick Tip: Relieve Stress By Faking It
Men’s Fitness: When it comes to smiling, “fake it until you make it” may be the best way to relieve stress, according to a new study. Smiles are highly visible signs of happiness, but researchers
The Lemon of Illness and the Demand for Lemonade
The Open Mind: I’m Richard Heffner, your host on The Open Mind. And it’s been a number of years since I first joined at this table in a no-holds-barred conversation with Dr. Jessie Gruman, the
Why old people are more happy: They have learnt to avert their eyes from things likely to bring them down
The Daily Mail: Older people are happier than younger adults because, simply, they avert their eyes from things that are likely to make them upset, research shows. The finding explains research that has shown that
Looking for Trouble (and Seeing It)
The Huffington Post: I’ve known a few troublemakers over the years. These were guys with huge chips on both shoulders, who would gladly pick a fight if you looked at them wrong. And looking at
Smiling during stress may help the heart
United Press International: People who smile even though they don’t feel like it had lower heart beat levels, U.S. researcher suggest. Psychological scientists Tara Kraft and Sarah Pressman of the University of Kansas conducted a
Si vous vous sentez stressé, souriez ! (If you feel stressed, smile!)
Le Figaro: Un sourire, même forcé, abaisse le rythme cardiaque pendant une activité stressante, révèle une étude américaine. Les scientifiques avaient déjà révélé l’effet relaxant d’un sourire, mais l’on pensait celui-ci réservé au «vrai sourire»