Quand les mots effacent les peurs (When words fade fears)
Le Figaro: La parole apaise la colère», disait Eschyle. Elle pourrait également apaiser les craintes, d’après une étude américaine parue dans la revue Pyschological Science : des phobiques des araignées ont en effet réussi à
Can watching the news can make you sick?
Yahoo: Watching the evening news can be a harrowing experience. Sometimes it seems like the world is rife with disaster, war, violence and nothing else, and the advent of 24-hour news networks means we can
The secret of beating fear? Just talk about your emotions, say researchers
The Daily Mail: Simply describing your feelings at stressful times can make you less anxious, researchers have claimed. UCLA research into people who were terrified of spiders found that by simply talking about their fear
Too Soon? Study Reveals ‘Sweet Spot’ in Joking About Tragedy
LiveScience: When is it okay to joke about a tragedy? New research shows that a comedian must carefully balance how bad and how distant an unfortunate event is to make a joke about it that
Bang? Zeg wat je voelt. (Afraid? Say what you feel)
De Telegraaf: Dat blijkt uit een nieuwe studie van UCLA. Psychologen vroegen 88 vrijwilligers met angst voor spinnen, een tarantula in de buitenlucht onder ogen te komen. De vrijwilligers moesten stapje voor stapje dichterbij komen
Why We’re Happy Being Sad: Pop’s Emotional Evolution
NPR: Six years ago, Glenn Schellenberg decided to do an experiment. Schellenberg works at the University of Toronto, where he studies the psychology of music. The idea behind his experiment couldn’t have been more straightforward