Study: Variation in the Smell of Our Sweat Can Convey Fear or Disgust
The Atlantic: PROBLEM: Some animals can communicate their emotional states through chemical signals called chemosignals. Can human animals do so as well? METHODOLOGY: Researcher Gün Semin and company at Utrecht University in the Netherlands induced
Boredom at school: Is stress the cause?
Deseret News: Conventional wisdom tells us kids feel bored at school because they are under-challenged, under-motivated or poorly taught. A 2012 report from the Association for Psychological Science says the classic signals of boredom might
Taking Early Exits Off Wall Street
The Wall Street Journal: After five years in investment banking, Matt Wolf decided he’d had enough. While the 35-year-old vice president enjoyed his close-knit team of colleagues at Morgan Stanley MS +0.91% in Manhattan, he
The experience of awe can slow down perceived time in people’s lives
The Washington Times: As anyone trying to juggle a career, family and sleep will tell you: The one universal truth of modern life is that there are not enough hours in the day to do
Behavioral economics taps power of persuasion for tax compliance
Chicago Tribune: Can peer pressure make delinquent taxpayers pony up what they owe the government? Behavioral economists say it can, and some tax agencies in both the United States and Britain are taking their advice
When Tragedy Strikes, Come Together
The New York Times: Last week, as I was preparing a different column, I learned through e-mails about a tragedy very close to home — two children were murdered by their caretaker in the Manhattan