Behavioral economics taps power of persuasion for tax compliance
Chicago Tribune: Can peer pressure make delinquent taxpayers pony up what they owe the government? Behavioral economists say it can, and some tax agencies in both the United States and Britain are taking their advice
When Tragedy Strikes, Come Together
The New York Times: Last week, as I was preparing a different column, I learned through e-mails about a tragedy very close to home — two children were murdered by their caretaker in the Manhattan
The Knowing Nose: Chemosignals Communicate Human Emotions
Many animal species transmit information via chemical signals — and humans may be among them, psychology researchers find.
This column will change your life: selfishness
The Guardian: It’s a fairly well-established fact, in political psychology, that leftwingers report lower levels of happiness than rightwingers. (This fact, you may have noticed, is self-reinforcing: learning of it makes leftwingers even gloomier.) What’s
How To Get Over Rejection
Prevention: Anyone who’s been rejected—and sadly, who hasn’t—knows how much it, well, sucks. And now new research in the journal Clinical Psychological Science shows that it can also seriously mess with our physical and mental
Positively Negative
Few disciplines of behavioral science, if any, have gathered more attention in recent years than positive psychology. The volume of happiness research that’s poured from the labs of scientists such as APS Fellow Ed Diener