Why Can Some Kids Handle Pressure While Others Fall Apart?
The New York Times: Noah Muthler took his first state standardized test in third grade at the Spring Cove Elementary School in Roaring Spring, Pa. It was a miserable experience, said his mother, Kathleen Muthler.
Fear Of Cantaloupes And Crumpets? A ‘Phobia’ Rises From The Web
NPR: Four years ago, my husband revealed one of his more peculiar qualities: He’s freaked out by the sight of sliced cantaloupe. The melon seeds, all clustered together, make his skin itch and his stomach
Research Study on Theses and Dissertations
If you are a graduate student working on your master thesis or doctorate dissertation, we would like to invite you to participate in a research study. The purpose of the study is to examine the
We Are What We Smell
Scientific American: Pheromones: they’re those chemical signals often associated with attraction. But there are many chemical signals we give off—including ones that might signal alarm, aggression or other emotions. For example, take fear. If sweat
7-minute essay slows the loathe in marriages
Today: Could a little homework help save your marriage? Researchers in Chicago think so. They found that couples who spent just seven minutes every few months writing short essays about their recent fights reported being
Shame About Past Drinking Problem May Lead to Relapse
LiveScience: Feeling shame about a past drinking problem might actually increase the likelihood of a relapse for recovering alcoholics, a new study shows. “How much shame participants displayed strongly predicted not only whether they relapsed