New Content From Perspectives on Psychological Science
A sample of articles on children’s development, unobtrusive measure of discrimination, well-being, selfishness, a model for mental-health interventions, gender differences, psychedelic drugs and social connection, neoliberalism and equity beliefs, mixed emotions, and adopted utility calculus. Visit Page
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on perceptual learning, prejudice, how the mind represents physical states, moralistic punishment, feelings, blindness and visual memory, perceptions of threat, and spatial navigation and reorientation. Visit Page
In Praise of Anxiety
Nobody likes to feel anxious. Anxiety is among the most pervasive and reviled of human emotions. An entire industry has sprung up to aid us in eradicating it, from self-help books and holistic remedies to Visit Page
Delusion and the Uses of Not Being Rational
APS Fellow and Charter Member Stuart Vyse, talks about his new book “The Uses of Delusion: Why It’s Not Always Rational to Be Rational.” Visit Page
Eight Early-Career Researchers Receive 2022 APS Janet Taylor Spence Award
The 2022 Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions has recognized eight psychological scientists for their innovative research. Visit Page
Teaching: Babies and Others’ Emotions / Narcissism Hierarchy
Lesson plans about how babies use adults’ emotions to reason and about the narcissism hierarchy. Visit Page