Brain Can Be Trained in Compassion, Study Shows
A study shows that training adults in compassion can result in greater altruistic behavior.
Sweaty Babies
BBC: A study of one year old babies has found an intriguing connection between their physiological symptoms when they are confronted with a frightening situation, and their levels of aggression two years later. Professor Stephanie
If Your Shrink Is A Bot, How Do You Respond?
NPR: Her hair is brown and tied back into a professional-looking ponytail. She wears a blue shirt, tan sweater and delicate gold chain. It’s the first time she has met the man sitting across from
Fear, Happiness, and Sadness Share Common Neural Building Blocks
Diverse emotions are based on common building blocks of pleasure, displeasure, and arousal, according to new research
Secrets of the Criminal Mind
Scientific American: What is science revealing about the nature of the criminal mind? Adrian Raine, a professor at the university of Pennsylvania, is an expert in the expanding field of “neurocriminology.” He has written The
Happiness is the best medicine
Salon: We’ve all experienced downward spirals, in which dark emotions lead to destructive behavior that damages our health, strains our relationships, and leaves us feeling even worse than when we started. Wouldn’t it be nice