A Shortcut for Feeling Just a Little Happier
Lately, my back has been hurting. I did something weird in the gym, resulting in a dull ache, and now I’m taking it easy. I appreciate the feedback the pain provides, because I would like Visit Page
Research Briefs
Recent highlights from APS journals articles on learning about working memory, psychological measurement, patterns of implicit and explicit attitudes, and much more. Visit Page
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on teaching and growth mindset, human echolocators, children’s knowledge about numbers, deception during 911 calls, mind wandering, depression, and memory. Visit Page
The Happiness Data That Wrecks a Freudian Theory
Does success make us miserable? Sigmund Freud was one of the first to propose this peculiar form of distress in an essay he published more than a century ago. It was a theory built around Visit Page
Podcast Collection: Eight Early-Career Researchers on Their Inspirations, Methods, and Goals
The full collection of podcast interviews with recipients of the 2022 APS Janet Taylor Spence Award for Early Career Contributions. Visit Page
Facial Expressions Do Not Reveal Emotions
Do your facial movements broadcast your emotions to other people? If you think the answer is yes, think again. This question is under contentious debate. Some experts maintain that people around the world make specific Visit Page