New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on mapping psychosis risk states, increases in depressive symptoms during antidepressant discontinuation, race-based rejection sensitivity, the longitudinal association between PTSD, emotion dysregulation, and postmigration stressors among refugees, and much more. Visit Page
Research Briefs
Recent highlights from APS journals articles. Visit Page
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on shared depressive symptoms in close relationships, correlates of interrupted and aborted suicide attempts among U.S. active duty service members, maximizing rationality with post-justificationist knowledge, and much more. Visit Page
How to Find Joy in Your Everyday Life, According to Psychologists
The increasingly materialistic society we live in has led many of us to believe that happiness is something to be chased, to obtain. The ultimate end goal that leads to everlasting bliss and contentment. Paradoxically, research shows Visit Page
The Emotional Benefits of Wandering
One of my greatest pleasures is to be what the French call a “flâneur”—someone who wanders randomly through a big city, stumbling on new scenes. The flâneur has a long and honored literary history. The Visit Page
Stop Hurting Your Own Feelings: Tips on Quashing Negative Self-Talk
Do you ever hurt your own feelings? For me, it’s a common occurrence. A curt reply to that thoughtful work email, zero responses to that happy hour invitation – little slights like these get my Visit Page