Decoding Emotions
We like to think that all humans are born with the same core emotions: anger, fear, joy, sadness and disgust. But what if that’s not true? This week, psychologist Batja Mesquita offers a different model of emotions Visit Page
How Universal Are Our Emotions?
There’s nothing like migration to reveal how things that seem natural may be artifacts of culture. When I left India for college in England, I was surprised to find that pinching my Adam’s apple didn’t Visit Page
Facial Expressions Do Not Reveal Emotions
Do your facial movements broadcast your emotions to other people? If you think the answer is yes, think again. This question is under contentious debate. Some experts maintain that people around the world make specific Visit Page
The Snuggle Is Real
Kacie Willis, a 34-year-old audio producer in Atlanta, suffers from panic attacks with no known cause. She’s tried cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), anti-anxiety medication, mindfulness meditation, and CBD oil. Although some of these have provided Visit Page
2022 Spence Award Mini Episode: Brett Ford on How People Manage Their Emotions
2022 Spence Award winner Brett Ford talks about her research on emotions. Visit Page
The Pandemic-Fueled Feeling Called ‘Languishing’; Elvis Costello’s New Album
In a The New York Times op-ed, psychologist Adam Grant puts a name to that feeling borne out of the pandemic — showing up for life, but living without purpose and aim. Emory University sociologist Visit Page