Ruchika Prakash
The Ohio State University http://freud.psy.ohio-state.edu/lab/CNL/The_Lab.html What does your research focus on? I am involved in several lines of research, all of which are aimed at examining the effects of lifestyle factors on facets of emotional
Research Explores Links Between Physical and Emotional Pain Relief
Though we all desire relief — from stress, work, or pain — little is known about the specific emotions underlying relief. New research from the Association for Psychological Science explores the psychological mechanisms associated with
Feeling anxious? Think again.
Americans’ number one fear is public speaking, hands down. Pollsters have reported time and again that the average person dreads speaking more than disease or even death. These polls merely confirm what our sweaty palms
New Research on Emotion From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research on emotion from Psychological Science. The Emotionally Intelligent Decision Maker: Emotion-Understanding Ability Reduces the Effect of Incidental Anxiety on Risk Taking Jeremy A. Yip and Stéphane Côté Can understanding the
Reappraisal Defuses Strong Emotional Responses to Israel-Palestine Conflict
Reappraisal is a widely-used cognitive strategy that can help people to regulate their reactions to emotionally charged events. Now, new research suggests that reappraisal may even be effective in changing people’s emotional responses in the
What’s Good, When, and Why?
Promising new work in emotion regulation suggests that the means by which we decide how to regulate what we feel — and even recognize our own emotions — might be the most productive areas for