Facial Expressions Do Not Reveal Emotions
Do your facial movements broadcast your emotions to other people? If you think the answer is yes, think again. This question is under contentious debate. Some experts maintain that people around the world make specific Visit Page
You’ve Done Self Care. You’ve Languished. Now Try This.
In our first session this year, my coaching client Jane told me that she has rested, given herself permission to feel down, and lowered her personal bar, just as we all have been advised to do as Visit Page
Yale’s Happiness Professor Says Anxiety Is Destroying Her Students
Since the Yale cognitive scientist Laurie Santos began teaching her class Psychology and the Good Life in 2018, it has become one of the school’s most popular courses. The first year the class was offered Visit Page
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on nonsuicidal self-injury, emotion, pregnancy and mental health during COVID-19, rumination and learning, psychopathology models, antisocial behavior, close relationships and COVID-19, and the use of personality traits to predict mental health. Visit Page
‘No Regrets’ Is No Way to Live
“No Regrets.” It’s an alluring motto, a handy recipe for success and satisfaction. Reject the pain of looking backward, revel in the pleasure of dreaming forward, and the good life will ensue. Little wonder that Visit Page
The Pandemic-Fueled Feeling Called ‘Languishing’; Elvis Costello’s New Album
In a The New York Times op-ed, psychologist Adam Grant puts a name to that feeling borne out of the pandemic — showing up for life, but living without purpose and aim. Emory University sociologist Visit Page