There Are No ‘Five Stages’ of Grief
It was early springtime here in Australia when my son died. I took jasmine and dark-red sweet peas from my garden to his funeral and laid them carefully beside him, wondering how I could even keep Visit Page
New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on ADHD, how nervous systems process information about quantities, the tactile system, uncertainty, the agents of influence, and much more. Visit Page
Decoding Emotions
We like to think that all humans are born with the same core emotions: anger, fear, joy, sadness and disgust. But what if that’s not true? This week, psychologist Batja Mesquita offers a different model of emotions Visit Page
How Universal Are Our Emotions?
There’s nothing like migration to reveal how things that seem natural may be artifacts of culture. When I left India for college in England, I was surprised to find that pinching my Adam’s apple didn’t Visit Page
A Shortcut for Feeling Just a Little Happier
Lately, my back has been hurting. I did something weird in the gym, resulting in a dull ache, and now I’m taking it easy. I appreciate the feedback the pain provides, because I would like Visit Page
The Happiness Data That Wrecks a Freudian Theory
Does success make us miserable? Sigmund Freud was one of the first to propose this peculiar form of distress in an essay he published more than a century ago. It was a theory built around Visit Page