Rethinking The Five Stages Of Grief
Hartford Courant: More than 40 years after psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross developed her theory on the five stages of grief, bereavement experts are questioning how well her theories have held up. “It just doesn’t work anymore,” Visit Page
Research: Pain meds can affect emotional distress
ABC KGO-TV: Many of us take an over-the-counter medication to treat a headache or muscle pain, but new research says the active ingredient appears to have an effect on emotional distress as well. If you’re Visit Page
Love, money and suspicion
Alfred Hitchcock’s 1941 film Suspicion is a masterful psychological study of love and money. Cary Grant plays the charming but irresponsible Johnnie Aysgarth, who dazzles the frumpy Lina McLaidlaw, played by Joan Fontaine. Only after Visit Page
The rewards of ‘nearby nature’
I live in one of the liveliest neighborhoods of a large city. I’ve lived in this city for almost all of my adult life, and I love all the urban sights and noises, right down Visit Page
Trying Out New Identities Key to Video Games’ Appeal: Study
U.S. News & World Report: One reason why people worldwide spend 3 billion hours per week playing video games may be because the games allow them to “try on” characteristics they might like to have Visit Page
Viewing negative emotion-laden images can boost memory
Yahoo Singapore: Washington, June 19 (ANI): A new research has suggested that witnessing a negative and shocking image enhances the retention of everything that one learns before seeing them. Researchers at Washington University in St. Visit Page