Tips for Incorporating Writing Into An Introductory Statistics Course
Statistics educators know all too well that teaching statistics can be a challenge, even for the most experienced instructors. Students often bring with them anxieties and misperceptions that can lead to a tense and frustrating
APS Award Address
Get smarter fast! This message sounds like the tagline of a late-night infomercial. But when it comes from the mouth of cognitive psychologist John Jonides of the University of Michigan, it carries more weight. In
Kimberly Noble
Columbia University, USA http://www.needlab.cumc.columbia.edu/ What does your research focus on? I study socioeconomic disparities in children’s neurocognitive development. Specifically, we’ve known for decades that there are broad differences in children’s cognitive development and academic achievement
Jeffrey D. Karpicke
Purdue University, USA http://learninglab.psych.purdue.edu/ What does your research focus on? Research in my laboratory sits at the interface between cognitive science and education. Our research has been especially focused on the importance of retrieval
Greg Walton
Stanford University www.stanford.edu/~gwalton/home/Welcome.html What does your research focus on? One of my main interests involves how the important contents of people’s selves — like their interests, motivations, and emotions — which people tend to think
Gaia Scerif
University of Oxford, UK http://psyweb.psy.ox.ac.uk/abcd/index.html What does your research focus on? We live in complex multimodal environments, and yet even as infants we direct attention very efficiently to select what is relevant into memory, learning