Methods to Increase Attendance and Performance
My name is Lora Jacobi from Stephen F. Austin State University, and I presented my research at the APS 23rd Annual Convention in Washington, DC.
Driving Home the Point
When Haneen Saqer, Ewart de Visser, and Jonathan Strohl arrived at Westfield High School in Chantilly, Virginia to talk about the perils of distracted driving, they thought they would be addressing a group of 100
In the Mood for Some Pi(e)?
Thanks to computer-driven calculations, we know the ratio of the circumference of any circle to its diameter goes on past one trillion digits. But since the 18th century, we’ve just called this behemoth number, Pi
Preschool Has Big Advantages for the Disadvantaged
It may seem obvious that preschool helps kids perform better in later grades. But most studies to date have produced limited conclusions about how the preschool environment impacts a child’s academic success. A recent Psychological
Sticky Teaching
As teachers we rely on the fact that human beings are fundamentally curious creatures. Additionally, people tend to have a natural curiosity about themselves and those around them, which gives psychology teachers an excellent advantage
Feedback From the Whole World
I have been teaching graduate seminars in social psychology for 15 years, and in every one the final project was the same: write a 15-page paper on whatever you are working on right now. At