Teaching: Benefits of Education / Rewards of Regret
Education Matters: Making the Mind’s Muscles by David G. Myers. Reaping the Rewards of Regret by C. Nathan DeWall.
Education Benefits the Brain Over a Lifetime
A new study confirms what your parents always told you: Getting an education opens the door to career opportunities and higher salaries. But it may also benefit your well-being in old age. “The total amount
Creativity And Diversity: How Exposure To Different People Affects Our Thinking
There is great comfort in the familiar. It’s one reason humans often flock to other people who share the same interests, laugh at the same jokes, hold the same political views. But familiar ground may
Schooling Is Critical for Cognitive Health Throughout Life
Education provides little protection against the onset of cognitive declines but can boost the cognitive skills. [August 10, 2020]
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on sexual decisions, interventions to improve educational outcomes, confidence in estimates, mindfulness and false memories, children’s stereotypes, and links between sound and meaning.
College Courses Online Are Disappointing. Here’s How to Fix Them.
APS Past-President/ Author: Lisa Feldman Barrett Millions of families with college-age children face a difficult choice. As school after school announces that it will welcome students back to campus this fall, many classes — perhaps