How Can Students Better Apply Math Learning? New Studies Hold Answers
Education Week: Mathematics is the language of science, the foundation of engineering, the power switch for new technology—but students often struggle to transfer their understanding of math concepts to practical application in other STEM subjects.
A Key Researcher Says ‘Grit’ Isn’t Ready For High-Stakes Measures
NPR: If you’ve followed education in the news or at the book store in the past couple of years, chances are you’ve heard of “grit.” It’s often defined as the ability to persevere when times
Smarter Every Year? Mystery of the Rising IQs
The Wall Street Journal: Are you smarter than your great-grandmom? If IQ really measures intelligence, the answer is probably a resounding “yes.” IQ tests are “normed”: Your score reflects how you did compared with other
When Is an Educational App Classroom Worthy?
Education Week: There are over 80,000 apps in the Apple store marked as “educational.” The ed-tech marketplace sometimes feels like the Wild West with no regulations or testing required for an application to be deemed
Child advocacy groups say YouTube Kids rife with ‘inappropriate’ videos
NBC News: The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood and the Center for Digital Democracy on Tuesday stepped up their criticism of the site, saying it is “rife” with content unsuitable for children. They filed an
Why Diversity Should Matter to Psychological Science
At a special event exploring the urgent need for more racial and ethnic diversity in psychological science, APS Fellow Robert M. Sellers analyzed some of the reasons the field is dominated by Western, educated, industrialized