Inside the Mind of a Creationist
Huffington Post: Texas governor and presidential candidate Rick Perry is ambivalent about the “theory” of evolution. He says it’s just one theory that’s out there, on equal footing with creationism. He’s proud of the fact
Good for the Goose, Bad for the Gander? A Critical Look at the Traditional Graduate Training Paradigm
Welcome to graduate school! Now get to work and publish something, would you?” Although graduate students may have never heard this phrase explicitly, it is not difficult to infer this message from faculty members in
Using Fink’s Taxonomy in Course Design
Lifespan Development is an introductory psychology course at my university. I love teaching this course. However, in the past I found myself bogged down by the volume of content and the rush to cover each
Transitions: Students in Psychological Science
The field of psychological science is constantly in a state of change. Many legendary psychological scientists have provided the scientific community with the basic concepts, theories, methods of inquiry, and major findings that have shaped
Wikipedia in the Classroom
At Trent University in Ontario, Canada, I teach The History of Psychology, a fourth year undergraduate course. I view this course as a capstone for students’ undergraduate education — one in which they can use
Identity Shift
In the late 1990s, the Department of Psychology at Dartmouth University became the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. Howard Hughes, who served as chair at the time, recalls the change as the result of