Americans Want to Live in a Much More Equal Country (They Just Don’t Realize It)
The Atlantic: The inequality of wealth and income in the U.S. has become an increasingly prevalent issue in recent years. One reason for this is that the visibility of this inequality has been increasing gradually
Forget the Money, Follow the Sacredness
The New York Times: In the film version of “All the President’s Men,” when Robert Redford, playing the journalist Bob Woodward, is struggling to unravel the Watergate conspiracy, an anonymous source advises him to “follow
Economics Made Easy: Think Friction
The New York Times: CRITICS of Mitt Romney’s activities at Bain Capital have been described, somewhat hysterically, as critics of capitalism. They’re not. But they are attacking something. And understanding that something can have enormous
Impatient? It Could Be The Reason Your Credit Score Stinks
Business Insider: Those who exert more patience and are willing to wait for larger financial payouts down the line have credit scores an average of 30 points higher than those who are less patient, according
Delayed Gratification Study: It Also Predicts Credit Scores
International Business Times: The Stanford marshmallow delayed gratification test is one of the most influential behavior studies in modern history. Conducted by Stanford psychologist Walter Mischel in 1972, it has proven to be a solid
Schouders uit de kom
De Standaard: Het spant erom bij de regeringsonderhandelingen. Maar de uitkomst van zo’n nachtje – waarom beginnen die onderhandelingen eigenlijk altijd ‘s avonds? – kan wel een hele generatie in de puree helpen. In essentie