With Food, Similar Substitutes Are Less Satisfying
While people tend to prefer the food option that’s most similar to the item they can’t have, they’re likely to be more satisfied with the option that diverges a bit.
The Psychological Case for Instagramming Your Food
New York Magazine: The most important thing about a good food picture, as any amateur food photographer can tell you, is natural light. It’s why you can find particularly determined patrons of the food-photography arts
Investigating Social Contagion With Digital Tools
Accumulating research provides evidence for a provocative idea that certain behaviors — such as smoking and eating habits — are contagious. Data suggest that we’re influenced not only by the behavior of our friends, family
A Cluttered Kitchen Can Nudge Us To Overeat, Study Finds
NPR: Hunger is not the only reason we eat sweets. Often we eat as a way to celebrate, or sometimes we reach for food when we’re sad or bored. And a study published this month
The crippling thing about growing up poor that stays with you forever
The Washington Post: Poverty has a way of rearing its ugly head, slipping into the cracks in people’s lives when they’re young and then re-emerging later in life. Sometimes it happens in ways that are easily observable—what poor babies are
How Inequality Leads to Obesity
Pacific Standard: Everyone who has ever turned to their friends Ben and Jerry for solace following a break-up is aware that painful emotions often lead to overeating. Yet when discussing the obesity epidemic among low-income