Yum and Yuck: The Psychology Of What We Eat…And What We Spit Out
Paul Rozin has been studying the psychology and culture of food for more than 40 years. And he’s come to appreciate that food fills many of our needs, but hunger is just one. “Food is Visit Page
Cognitive Training Focused on Consequences May Promote Healthier Habits
Interventions to reduce unwanted behaviors often focus on retraining people’s mental associations, but showing people the consequences of the behaviors may be more effective. Visit Page
5 Science-Approved Ways to Break a Bad Habit
Having habits can often be a good thing. When you drive to work for example, you don’t need to wonder whether you should turn left or right; the route becomes habit. “We want the brain Visit Page
Myth: Too Much Sugar Causes Hyperactivity in Children
Exploring the realities behind the effects of sugar illustrate many psychological concepts, including hunger, evolution, and psychopathology. Visit Page
This plate design gets young kids to eat more veggies, study finds
Segmented plates with pictures of recommended foods in each compartment led preschoolers to eat more vegetables, according to a research letter published Monday in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. These lunch trays have shown similar results Visit Page
New Research about Eating, Sleeping, Eliminating and Snuggling
As Cleveland Cavaliers guard J. R. Smith has probably heard a few times at this point, you have to be solid in the fundamentals. For a basketball player, some of the fundamentals are dribbling, shooting Visit Page