Better Minds Ahead: Understanding Cognitive Enhancement
Scientists from Europe and North America share the latest findings on the promise and limitations of video games, “smart” drugs, and other tactics that people are turning to for cognitive enhancement. Visit Page
Suggestions on Beck’s Integrative Theory of Depression
Aaron Beck pioneered the way we view the nature of depression. He guided psychological theory from its overly Freudian emphasis to a simpler model capable of being scientifically evaluated. The field can now progress to Visit Page
Long-Term Pot Use Linked to Financial, Social Problems in Midlife
A research study that followed children from birth up to age 38 has found that people who smoked cannabis four or more days of the week over many years ended up in a lower social Visit Page
Psychological Science Gets Behind the Wheel at NHTSA
Last week psychological scientists from around the U.S. gathered in Washington, D.C. to discuss innovative behavioral research that will be used to save thousands of lives. Over 200 million Americans drive a car on any Visit Page
Combining Cannabis and Alcohol Amplifies Crash Risks
Cannabis and alcohol are the drugs most commonly detected in the systems of drivers involved in crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Decades of research has looked at the impairing effects of Visit Page
The Risks Associated With ‘Productivity Pills’ Outweigh the Benefits
The New York Times: A few years ago Adderall was touted as a “smart pill.” But after research showed little or no improvement in cognition under its influence, Adderall is now gaining a reputation as a Visit Page