Diversity Makes Better Science
I’m honored to co-author this column with my colleague and friend Carol Lee. Among Carol’s many honors is having been President of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). – DLM It’s not news that minorities Visit Page
Everything Is Cultural
Here’s a puzzler for you — what does the acronym IUPsyS stand for? No points for getting the “Psy” part (and here’s a hint: IU is not Indiana University). Give up? IUPsyS is the International Visit Page
A Dangerous Dichotomy: Basic and Applied Research
How can I be so confused by a simple distinction like the difference between basic and applied research? I did an initial draft of a column on this topic months ago, and honestly, it was Visit Page
Rigor Without Rigor Mortis: The APS Board Discusses Research Integrity
Please excuse this further sidetrack from the road we were on in my previous columns. Two months ago, the column I had planned was displaced by a response to the considerable attention that various media Visit Page
Subject to Participation
The following events took place a bit more than a decade ago. Norbert Ross, who was a postdoctoral fellow at the time, and I were appearing before the Menominee Language and Culture Commission in Keshena Visit Page
A Science We Can Believe In
APS, our Board and our Members are against scientific misconduct… at least (by my estimate — more on that below) 98.03 percent of them are. Does this sound like something newsworthy enough to devote a Visit Page