Richeson Receives SAGE-CASBS Award for Research on Discrimination and Diversity
A social psychologist at Yale University, Richeson uses a broad range of empirical methods to examine the potential cognitive “costs” and mutual misperceptions associated with intergroup interactions.
Much More Online
Featuring articles on implicit bias, workplace diversity, and the connection between COVID-19 and human behavior.
Beyond Diversity Training: To Change Minds, Change the Environment
Research suggests that taking steps to create more equal social environments may be more effective at reducing prejudice than targeting implicit bias directly.
First-Ever Review of Gender Parity in Psychological Science: From Idea to Research to Plan of Action
The evolution from idea, to study, to action plan in the first-ever gender parity review in psychological science.
The Trump Administration Says Diversity Training Can Be Harmful. What Does the Research Say?
With an executive order this month, the Trump administration took aim at the anti-racism training that is becoming commonplace at colleges and other workplaces. The directive bars federal departments and agencies, government contractors, and any recipients of
Creativity And Diversity: How Exposure To Different People Affects Our Thinking
There is great comfort in the familiar. It’s one reason humans often flock to other people who share the same interests, laugh at the same jokes, hold the same political views. But familiar ground may