Fostering Student–Teacher Connections Could Help Keep Students Returning From Juvenile Detention in School
Encouraging young people returning from juvenile detention to share their goals with an educator could help them stay in school and out of the criminal justice system.
Back Page: Staving Off Stereotype Threat
Keith Maddox aims to further understanding of how stereotypic knowledge impacts behavior.
Daniel Kahneman: How Companies Can Improve Their Hiring Process
As a young lieutenant, Daniel Kahneman was asked to improve the Israeli army’s haphazard process of assessing capabilities among combat-eligible recruits. Armed with a psychology degree and infantry experience, he brashly made up some criteria
The Psychological Science of Racism: Expert Panel
Summary and video of APS Expert Panel on the Psychological Science of Racism.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on anxiety and preference for immediate rewards, the role of social processes in delusions, machine learning and suicide research, thought conditioning, dissemination of best practices by clinicians, emotion regulation flexibility, racial discrimination and metal health, and memory in PTSD.
Hired, Fired, or Stopped by Police: The Discriminatory Stew of Intersectionality and Stereotypes
Perceptions of gender and race combine into unique stereotypes and complex patterns of discrimination.