APS Teaching Fund Showcase
Three teams of researchers—studying accessible statistics, outreach on implicit bias, and undergraduate animal studies—share highlights from their work.
Universal Design for Inclusive Science
Individuals with disabilities are often excluded from research participant pools. Psychological researcher Nazanin M. Heydarian highlights some resources that can enhance accessibility and inclusiveness in lab experiments.
Scientists Harness the Power of Perception to Control Chronic Pain
Das Named to Order of Canada
APS Fellow Jagannath Prasad (J.P.) Das has been named a member of the Order of Canada. Das is Emeritus Director of the J.P. Das Developmental Disabilities Centre at the University of Alberta in Canada. He
Illusions Fool Even the Blind
The New York Times: That bats use echolocation to navigate and to find food is well known. But some blind people use the technique, too, clicking their tongues and snapping fingers to help identify objects.
How Blind People Use Echolocation to Get Around
New York Magazine: Echolocation — sending out a sound wave, hearing how it bounces back at you, and using that information to navigate your environment — is a technique generally associated with animals like bats and dolphins