How a Light Lunch Could Help You Lose Weight
LiveScience: When we skimp on a meal, we usually end up feeling deprived, ultimately making up for it later by eating a little more — sometimes a lot more. But a new study shows that
Vitamins give people ‘licence to indulge’
The Telegraph: People are more likely to reward themselves with an unhealthy treat after taking supplements, the study by academics in Taiwan found. It showed the effects of self medicating with a dietary supplement are
Dieting and Self Image
Eating behavior is increasingly relevant in a world where many people are overweight or obese. Janet Polivy developed an interest in behaviors associated with dieting and eating in grad school when she showed that dieters
Les aliments gras remonteraient le moral, indépendamment de leur goût
Metro France: Une étude belge, publiée cette semaine dans le Journal of Clinical Investigation, renseigne sur les envies d’aliments gras que peuvent éprouver les personnes ayant le morale en berne. Surprise : elles n’auraient rien
Les aliments gras remonteraient le moral, indépendamment de leur goût
RTL Belgium: Les chercheurs de l’Université de Leuven (Belgique) ont choisi 12 participants de poids normal et en bonne santé auxquels ils ont injecté des solutions concentrées en acides gras et des solutions de sérum
Food Cravings: Understand Them to Control Them
Huffington Post: We’ve all experienced food cravings, the feeling that we don’t just want to eat something — we want something very specific. Researchers at Tufts University found that the types of foods people crave