How to Raise a Creative Child. Step One: Back Off
The New York Times: THEY learn to read at age 2, play Bach at 4, breeze through calculus at 6, and speak foreign languages fluently by 8. Their classmates shudder with envy; their parents rejoice
Middle school: The new high school for moms
CNN: If you had to guess what are the most difficult years for a mother, what might you say? Infancy? Sure, dealing with a newborn is beyond stressful, as you try to figure out how
Teens Take Fewer Risks Around Slightly Older Adults
Adolescents are known risk takers, especially when they’re surrounded by same-aged peers. But new research suggests that being in a group that includes just one slightly older adult might decrease teens’ propensity to engage in
When do children show evidence of self-esteem? Earlier than you might think
The Conversation: Many youngsters, like Jessica, seem to exude positive feelings about their abilities – they happily report that they are good at running, jumping, drawing, math or music. However, the belief in being good
Traditional Toys May Beat Gadgets in Language Development
The New York Times: Baby laptops, baby cellphones, talking farms — these are the whirring, whiz-bang toys of the moment, many of them marketed as tools to encourage babies’ language skills. But in the midst
Long Before Learning ABCs, Tots Recognize Words Are Symbols
ABC: Celebrate your child’s scribbles. A novel experiment shows that even before learning their ABCs, youngsters start to recognize that a written word symbolizes language in a way a drawing doesn’t — a developmental step