How researchers are teaching AI to learn like a child
It’s a Saturday morning in February, and Chloe, a curious 3-year-old in a striped shirt and leggings, is exploring the possibilities of a new toy. Her father, Gary Marcus, a developmental cognitive scientist at New
Why it’s ridiculous that high schools start so early in the morning
According to the National Sleep Foundation and a grass-roots coalition called Start School Later: Biological sleep patterns shift as children grow up, and it is natural for teens to find it difficult to fall asleep before
Bridging the Lab and the Real World
Advances in technology and methodologies are enabling psychological scientists to bridge the divide between the lab and the world at large in research on infant development, attentional
shifting, language comprehension, and more. -
APS Fellow Kristina Olson Receives Nation’s Top Honor for Early-Career Scientists
The 2018 Waterman Award recognizes Olson’s innovative research on social cognition and cognitive development in children.
When Guilt Is Good
A few years ago, researchers in Germany set out to plumb the moral consciences of small children. They invited a series of 2- and 3-year-olds to play with a marble track in a lab. Close
Mothers Plant the Seeds for Children’s Future Eco-Friendliness
A study of mothers and their children shows that children carry the influence of their mothers’ environmental behaviors into early adulthood.