APS Fellows Lead in Taste Research
Which part of your tongue tastes sweet flavor most intensely? You may be familiar with the “tongue map” that supposedly showed which regions of our tongues sense bitter, sour, sweet, and salty tastes most intensely.
Society for Disability Studies 25th Annual Conference
SDS’ 25th Annual Conference will be held in Denver Colorado, USA, June 20-23, 2012. For more information visit: http://disstudies.org/
Champions of Psychology: Dante Cicchetti
This is the full, un-edited version of an interview that was published in the November edition of the Observer. APS Fellow Dante Cicchetti is Presidential Chair and William Harris Professor of Child Development and Psychiatry
Champions of Psychology: Dante Cicchetti
APS Fellow Dante Cicchetti is Presidential Chair and William Harris Professor of Child Development and Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota. Cicchetti has received numerous awards for his work in developmental science as well as
How 9 Things That Happened To You As A Child Affect You As An Adult
Business Insider: Ever wonder why some adults are serious while others can’t stop acting like five-year-olds? It could be the result of a childhood which means that adulthood is only an extension of your experiences
Is Violence Declining? APS Fellow Steven Pinker Says “Yes”
Violence is as an inherent part of human society. So if you looked at the number of violent deaths from prehistory to the present day, you would expect to see a pretty steady trend, right?