Nature, nurture both affect kids’ self-control
Futurity: Being able to delay gratification—often considered a predictor of a child’s future success—is as much a question of environment as innate ability, a new study shows. For the past four decades, the “marshmallow test”
Shifting the focus from IQ and test scores to traits of perseverance, curiosity, and grit for long term success in kids
NBC: In the guest spot today is contributing writer of the New York Magazine is Paul Tough, he’s author of “How Children Succeed”. He said character traits and not IQ determine success in life. Hopefully
Scientific Inquiry Among the Preschool Set
The New York Times: When engaged in what looks like child’s play, preschoolers are actually behaving like scientists, according to a new report in the journal Science: forming hypotheses, running experiments, calculating probabilities and deciphering
Los bilingües recurren a la lengua en la que aprendieron las matemáticas para multiplicar (Bilinguals resort to the language they learned math in to multiply)
ABC Espana: Un estudio realizado por investigadores del Centro Vasco sobre Cognición, Cerebro y Lenguaje (BCBL) revela que las personas bilingües recurren a la lengua en la que aprendieron las matemáticas a la hora de
What to test instead
Boston Globe: Breaking down these multifaceted skills into testable qualities is difficult, and it’s something educators have been trying and failing to do for more than half a century. The first president of ETS, which
Failure Is an Option
Parents Magazine: Whenever Helena Bogosian takes her daughters, Margot, 5, and Nina, 4, out to eat, she asks if they can have the same toy in their kids’ meal so neither feels slighted. But one