Think you’re immune to video-game violence? Think again
USA Today: Wonder what could be so enticing that people globally spend 3 billion hours every week doing it? Try video games, that great electronic escape where virtual characters take over the story lines and Visit Page
Preschoolers’ Innate Knowledge Means They Can Probably Do Algebra
TIME: Give a three-year old a smartphone and she’ll likely figure out how to turn it on and operate a few simple functions. But confront her with an algebra problem and ask her to solve Visit Page
Researchers Make Strides in Early Diagnosis for Autism
It’s World Autism Awareness Day, an annual celebration in which autism organizations across the globe engage in fundraising and educational events to raise public understanding of the developmental disorder. And it falls in the wake Visit Page
Books to Check Out: April 2014
To submit a new book, email apsobserver@psychologicalscience.org. The Rise of Consciousness and the Development of Emotional Life by Michael Lewis; Guilford Press, October 31, 2013. Visit Page
Kids Come to Like Their Own Before They Dislike “Outsiders”
Social groups form along all sorts of lines — from nationality to age to shared interests, and everything in between. We come to identify with our groups, whichever those might be, to the point where Visit Page
To Keep Teenagers Alert, Schools Let Them Sleep In
The New York Times: Jilly Dos Santos really did try to get to school on time. She set three successive alarms on her phone. Skipped breakfast. Hastily applied makeup while her fuming father drove. But Visit Page