Bilingualism Alters the Way the Mind Works
Over the past 20 years, researchers have increasingly accepted the fact that different types of experiences can alter the structure and function of the brain over time. In an article published in the Journal of Visit Page
Four common mistakes parents make when praising their kids
The Globe and Mail: Everybody wants what’s best for their kids. We know we should be helping to build their self-esteem and boost their resilience. Problem is, our efforts might be doing more harm than Visit Page
Multiple Methods Reveal the Complexities of Neurocognitive Development
The adult brain is often used as a model for understanding both typical and atypical development, but in reality the brain is different in infancy and is constantly changing in response to both genetic and Visit Page
Inside the Mind of a Child With Autism
The New York Times: Therapists who specialize in autism often use a child’s own interests, toys or obsessions as a way to connect, and sometimes to reward effort and progress on social skills. The more Visit Page
Head Start’s 12th National Research Conference on Early Childhood
Head Start’s 12th National Research Conference on Early Childhood will be held July 7–9, 2014 at the Grand Hyatt Washington in Washington, DC. For more information visit www.hsrconference.net. Visit Page
Little Kids Quickly Learn to Judge a Face
National Geographic: We’ve all looked at someone’s face and thought: “Now there’s someone I can really trust.” Or perhaps: “I wouldn’t trust him with a wooden nickel.” To the surprise of social scientists, children as Visit Page