Exageramos las alegrías de ser padres para sentirnos menos deprimidos?
CNN Mexico: Todos los padres coinciden en que tener hijos es una bendición… cuando están dormidos. Esta es una broma frecuente entre los padres, quienes por más que gocen a sus hijios, saben que es
In Defense of Antidepressants
The New York Times: In terms of perception, these are hard times for antidepressants. A number of articles have suggested that the drugs are no more effective than placebos. Last month brought an especially high-profile
A closer look at the role of coping mechanisms in regulating emotions
Scope: When feeling sad, stressed, anxious or angry, some of us may seek an escape, such as retail therapy, while others will simply think through the negative feelings. But are such differences in our responses
2 Ways to cope with negative emotions
The Times of India: When confronted with high-intensity negative emotions, they tend to choose to turn their attention away, but with something lower-intensity, they tend to think it over and neutralize the feeling that way.
Mood and Experience: Life Comes At You
Living through weddings or divorces, job losses and children’s triumphs, we sometimes feel better and sometimes feel worse. But, psychologists observe, we tend to drift back to a “set point”—a stable resting point, or baseline
Expert on Mental Illness Reveals Her Own Fight
The New York Times: HARTFORD — Are you one of us? The patient wanted to know, and her therapist — Marsha M. Linehan of the University of Washington, creator of a treatment used worldwide for