Depressive Thinking Can Be Contagious
TIME: We don’t think of emotional states as passing from one person to another, but a new study suggests some depressive thoughts can go viral. Researchers studying a group of college students found that certain
APS Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions
The APS Board of Directors is pleased to announce the 2013 recipients of the APS Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions, in recognition of the significant impact their work is having in
Vulnerability to depression can be contagious, study shows
The Telegraph: Researchers have found that the gloomy mindset of students vulnerable to depression can be contagious, making their friends more likely to suffer the condition six months later. The research, published in the journal
You can catch depression – study
The New Zealand Herald: Depression and the emotions associated with it can be contagious, according to a new study. Researchers have found that the gloomy mindset of students vulnerable to depression can be catching, making
Susan K. Nolen-Hoeksema
Yale University James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award Susan K. Nolen-Hoeksema died following heart surgery early in 2013, leaving behind a legacy of groundbreaking research on mood disorders. She was recognized internationally for her work on
Risk Factor for Depression Can Be ‘Contagious’
A new study with college roommates shows that a particular style of thinking that makes people vulnerable to depression can actually “rub off” on others, increasing their symptoms of depression six months later. The research