Books to Check Out: January 2014
Starting this month, the Observer will be publishing a list of recent books by APS members. To submit a new book, email [email protected]. Depression and Drugs: The Neurobehavioral Structure of a Psychological Storm by Martin
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Clinical Psychological Science: The Geography of Intimate Partner Abuse Experiences and Clinical Responses Anne P. DePrince, Susan E. Buckingham, and Joanne Belknap Studies examining the effects of intimate-partner abuse
Keeping Emotions in Check May Not Always Benefit Psychological Health
Being able to regulate your emotions is important for well-being, but new research suggests that a common emotion regulation strategy called “cognitive reappraisal” may actually be harmful when it comes to stressors that are under
La separazione aumenta il rischio di depressione, ma solo per alcune persone (divorce increases the risk of depression, but only for some)
La Stampa: La separazione o il divorzio in una coppia sono eventi particolarmente stressanti, che possono portare a problemi mentali – specie in chi è più sensibile. Tra i diversi problemi di salute mentale cui
The New Science of Mind
The New York Times: These days it is easy to get irritated with the exaggerated interpretations of brain imaging — for example, that a single fMRI scan can reveal our innermost feelings — and with
Divorce Elevates Risk for Depression, But Only for Some People
A data analysis uncovers some new clues as to why depressive episodes follow divorce for some people, but not others.