Who Are You? Identity and Dementia
Phineas Gage is arguably the most famous case study in the history of neuroscience. Gage was a railroad worker who in the autumn of 1848 was helping to prepare a new roadbed near Cavendish, Vermont
Simple Maze Test Could Help Identify Drivers’ Accident Risk
A simple 3-minute test may accurately identify older drivers who are at heightened risk of serious accidents because of cognitive decline.
Behavior’s Influence on Biology
One of the basic tenets of psychological science holds that the biology of our brains heavily influences our actions, behaviors, judgments, and more. But what if we reverse that premise and examine an opposite supposition
Tip-of-the-tongue moments not tied to memory decline
Fox News: Did you ever want to say something, but the word or name gets “stuck on the tip of your tongue?” Don’t worry. Those lapses may not be a sign of dementia – just
“Ce l’ho sulla punta della lingua”: è un primo segnale di demenza in arrivo? (“Tip-of-the-Tongue” moments a sign of aging?)
La Stampa: A tutti sarà capitato almeno una volta di avere “sulla punta della lingua” quel termine, quel nome… quella cosa insomma che, proprio adesso, non ci sovviene. Ma, a parte il disagio che questi
Tip-of-the-tongue moments not tied to memory decline
Chicago Tribune: Did you ever want to say something, but the word or name gets “stuck on the tip of your tongue?” Don’t worry. Those lapses may not be a sign of dementia – just