Personal Judgments Are Swayed by Group Opinion, but Only for 3 Days
We all want to feel like we’re free-thinking individuals, but there’s nothing like the power of social pressure to sway an opinion. New research suggests that people do change their own personal judgments so that they
Will the Great Recession Spawn Humble CEOs?
For years, social scientists have been interested in narcissism among America’s corporate titans. Narcissistic CEOs are known for their self-promotion, excessive self-regard, and tendency to draw attention to themselves. They also tend to embrace risk
More Teenage Boys Get Jobs as Baby Sitters, Find Parents Are Fans
The Wall Street Journal: Baby sitter wanted. Lightsaber experience, basketball skills and willingness to wrestle are a plus. With more families entrusting young children to the care of male baby sitters, teenage boys—many who couldn’t
Professors are Prejudiced, too
The New York Times IN the world of higher education, we professors like to believe that we are free from the racial and gender biases that afflict so many other people in society. But is
How Being Grateful Can Change Your Life
Fast Company: Keeping track of what you are grateful for may sound like like something Oprah Winfrey suggested decades ago. But today, several new studies suggest that practicing gratitude isn’t just for the Pollyannas of
Gratitude Is the New Willpower
Harvard Business Review: Patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to building capital. But as with most virtues, it’s not always easy to muster, since it usually requires resisting temptations for gratification on the sooner